Your either here to prepare for your new piercing, in which case: awesome! we like your style. Or you have already chosen to be pierced by us, so thank you. We are here for assistance and advice whenever needed but once your out the studio, the responsibility to heal your piercing becomes your own.


AVOID contact & contamination

Movement of any kind inhibits the healing process and can cause complications such as scarring and infection during the healing process
Touching your new piercing is the fastest way for problems to start – no rotation is needed!
Until it is healed always wash your hands before maintaining your new piercing
Keep your piercing protected from your daily activities, don’t sleep laying against it
Friction and snagging are the enemy of piercings trying to heal
Avoid soaking in water, such as hot tubs and swimming pools
Keep products away from it too, no make up or moisturiser getting in there




Please no nasty chemicals or soaps. The absolute best way to clean your new piercing is with a sterile saline spray in a fine mist. We stock a specifically designed aftercare that is both sterile and easy to use.
Stubborn crusties can have a gentle soak in teh shower to soften up and be carefully removed after. Follow up with a saline rinse.
After gently blott dry with gauze or a clean single use paper towel

Allowing shower water to flow over body piercings encourages blood flow to the site and improves wound drainage, so normal bathing of the area is encouraged.
When you are washing, be gentle, take care to rinse any lathered soaps that may have splashed over the area completely away.
Thoroughly but gently dry the site with disposable tissue or a cotton swap. Do this delicately and make sure not to jostle the jewellery around. You’re aiming for clean and dry without movement



To begin with there will likely be a little redness some swelling and a little discomfort
Within the first few days you may also get some weeping, clear maybe white or yellow discharge is normal and to be expected of even a tiny skin cut
Another visit to the studio is likely needed, for a visual (not under clothing) health check on your piercing – just pop in anytime
You may need to tie your hair up more often
Piercings take a little longer than most expect to heal, be patient
Everyone heals at a slightly different rate. We suggest our clients have no more than 3-4 piercings healing at one time.



While lobe piercings heal quickly and need cleaned twice daily with saline to prevent infection, during the initial healing: cartilage piercings heal much slower and require less cleaning daily but more care overall.

Cartilage is more prone to irritation bumps during the healing than other places on the body. They do not respond well to contact. Its important to not sleep on them until after your check up.

Keep your hair tied and out the way as much as possible and remember to keep wet hair away from the piercings in particular.

Avoid phones, headphones, ear pods, helmets, tight headdresses, and lying on your side.

stacked lobe piercings with a Tiffanies earring
a lip piercing up close with anodized blue jewellery
a lip piercing up close with anodized blue jewellery


Most swelling will be overnight. If you can sleep with your head elevated you can dramatically reduce this. It’s always advisable to use a new oral hygiene products and keep them apart from any others in your bathroom. As well as regular brushing you must maintain your oral health with a non alcoholic mouthwash or saline solution.
Keep pen tops, and fingernails out of your mouth throughout your initial healing, be mindful of smoking and clean your hands regularly.
Tongue piercings in particular often have an intensive initial few days. Its good to get into a routine, four times a day for the first four days: brush teeth and tongue, rinse your mouth out, take two Arnika (or consult a pharmacist for other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and if needed two painkillers. Its a lot. But remember, if you can’t eat, you cant heal.

Avoid oral contact with others—also indirectly (like drinking from the same bottle).
Alcohol is a blood thinner. Consuming alcohol during the initial healing period can lead to swelling and bleeding.
Rinse your mouth twice a day with an alcohol-free/ weak mouthwash, and rinse with salt water or water after every time you have had something in your mouth or smoked.
Since oral piercings often swell more than other placements, the jewellery you have received is long to accommodate for this. It is important to return after just a few weeks to change to a shorter piece, as the longer piece can cause irritation in the piercing and damage to your teeth and gums.
Drinking cold water or carefully cooling with ice can reduce swelling.
When the piercing has healed, you should include the jewellery when brushing your teeth, since it can also gather plaque.


Lying below the surface, not in one-side and out-the other, gives both advantages and disadvantages to every form of surface piercing. They benefit from a good saline soak occasionally but not a strict routine. Often swelling is minimal but can be restricted by the jewellery Arnika can be taken (or consult a pharmacist for other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) if you are concerned. Limit any restrictive clothing and remember do not ‘tip’ your piercing to clean underneath!.
Surface Dermal’s in particular require a slow joining of fatty tissue, we recommend you keep them covered with the dressings provided until you feel fully healed. (with a little time daily to air).

the nape of the neck pierced with a surface bar with blue balls


So long as you wear comfortable cotton clothing that is a comfy snug fit, your new piercing should be happy with just a warm shower each day and a saline soak when required. It will heal very quickly, much quicker than you’d expect. Minor bruising is possible and will pass in a few days, as will any swelling. Safe sex is especially important, but a normal sex life can begin again for most in a week or less


These guidelines are based on a combination of vast professional experience, common sense, research and extensive clinical practice. This is not to be considered a substitute for medical advice from a doctor. If you suspect an infection, seek medical attention. Be aware that many doctors have not received specific training regarding piercing. Your local piercer may be able to refer you to a piercing-friendly medical professional. For more information, see the APP Brochure Troubleshooting For You and Your Healthcare Professional.